
Choreographed and Orchestrated Video Annotation (COVA)

Choreographed and Orchestrated media refers to a relatively new concept involving different aspects of a coordinated media presentation coming from different networked devices. In this case, COVA will allow video annotations such as audio descriptions to be played from a personal device such as a smartphone, while a primary video presentation is being played on a completely separate device such as a projector in a theater.

Eye Movements and Accommodation Patterns in Neurotypicals, Strabismus and other Eye Conditions

Strabismus misaligned eyes is a common developmental condition in young children that can lead to amblyopia or poor vision and other forms of low vision. This project looks at the eye movements in relation to accommodation or focusing power in these patients to determine predictors of strabismus and outcome of treatment, with the goal of improving early detection, intervention and treatment.

Novel Method to Teach Scotoma Awareness

This project aims to improve visual function in individuals with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD isassociated with central field loss that cannot be corrected optically. Individuals with AMD are often unaware of their scotoma and their eye movements follow more random patterns, compared to adults with healthy vision. With funding from the National Institutes of Health and Pacific Vision Foundation, we are training indviduals with AMD to direct their eye movements into their scotoma, so that they can sample missing information.