Giving Programs
The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute is a small, non-profit organization whose primary interests are binocular vision problems, other visual impairments, and sensory rehabilitation engineering. By investing in the Institute, you can participate in basic and clinical vision research and rehabilitation research, which are all directly relevant to the management of vision deficits.
Donors can make significant gifts while taking advantage of current tax incentives. There are many types of planned giving strategies such as retirement plans, trusts, remainder interest in a personal residence, bequests, annuities, and cash.
Sustaining Giving Programs
Make an outright gift of cash or securities to the Institute. Securities consist of gifts of stocks, bonds, or other marketable securities, allowing you to benefit the Institute and lower the taxes you may owe from capital gain.
Monthly Giving
Make monthly gifts on the 15th of each month. The gift will be charged to your credit card. You can change any amount or payment method by contacting us.
Gifts may be made through a will, trust, or retirement plan.
Memorial Gift
Make a thoughtful memorial gift to remember a loved one. The Institute will notify the family or the appropriate individuals of your generosity.
To support The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, please contact us or mail a check to SKERI New Development Department, 2318 Fillmore, San Francisco, CA 94115. For further assistance contact Dr. William Good 415-345-2055 or