
 PayPal Donate ButtonThe ground-breaking, independent research undertaken at Smith-Kettlewell relies on significant private donor funding to get new and innovative projects to the stage where they are sufficiently proven to attract federal grant support. 

Your donation plays a crucial role in advancing our mission to improve the quality of life for individuals with visual impairments. By funding early-stage research, you enable our scientists to explore novel ideas, develop cutting-edge technologies, and make significant breakthroughs in vision science. 

To learn more and experience the satisfaction of supporting vision research at Smith-Kettlewell, please call us at (415) 345-2047, or email us at

Alternatively, you can make an instant donation(link is external) of any amount. To dedicate your gift to any specific fund or purpose, you can choose from the options listed below; To discuss them or establish others, please contact us as noted above.

Special funds that you can support with your donation: 

Arthur Jampolsky Endowment for Research in Vision and its Rehabilitation - A program to support pilot research projects in vision research and rehabilitation and nurture them until they can attract outside grant funding.

Alan Scott Fund for Innovative Research - A program to support particularly innovative, unconventional, or high-risk research projects with the potential for future high payoff in patient or user benefit.

Bill Gerrey Blind Makers Fund is to support the participation of blind students, hobbyists, scientists, and engineers in the development and fabrication of technology to assist blind people.

Young Researchers Fund - A program to support the recruitment of graduate and post-doctoral and other young researchers and their mentoring phase on the path to becoming an independent SK Investigator.

Referrals and Contacts 

Whether or not you are personally in a position to donate, if you have  friends or contacts who may be interested in SKERI’s work and potentially able to help support it, please call us at 415-345-2047 or email us to discuss the possibilities.

Other Gift Options:

Our research at Smith-Kettlewell spans the age range from infancy (vision problems that can be caused by premature birth, congenital defects, and brain damage) to the older population (cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration), as well as solutions for blind people of all ages. If you wish to direct your gift to any of these areas we look forward to discussing the different options and mechanisms, including the establishment of your own named gift fund. Possible mechanisms include:

  • One-Time Donation
  • Recurring Gifts
  • Donate Stock
  • Planned Gifts
    • Bequest
    • Life Insurance
    • Qualified Retirement Plan
  • In-Kind Donations
  • Donate your time and skills

If you or your organization would like to support its research with a tax-deductible donation please click the DONATE button below. 

Alternatively, please contact our Development Office to discuss donation options and opportunities. The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 research organization.

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