Ivanchenko, V. ., Shen, H. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2009). Elevation-based MRF stereo implemented in real-time on a GPU. Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2009 Workshop on, 1–8. IEEE.
Volodymyr Ivanchenko
Shen, H. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Ivanchenko, V. . (2009). Figure-ground segmentation using factor graphs. Image and Vision Computing, 27, 854–863.
Ivanchenko, V. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Shen, H. . (2010). Real-time walk light detection with a mobile phone. Computers Helping People With Special Needs, 229–234. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (Original work published 2010)
Ivanchenko, V. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Shen, H. . (2009). Staying in the crosswalk: A system for guiding visually impaired pedestrians at traffic intersections. Assistive Technology Research Series, 25, 69.
Year of Publication
Secondary Title
Computers Helping People with Special Needs
Number of Pages
Publication Language
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Other Numbers
PMCID: PMC4777606
Citation Key
Ivanchenko, V. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Shen, H. . (2008). Detecting and locating crosswalks using a camera phone. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008. CVPRW’08. IEEE Computer Society Conference on, 1–8. IEEE. (Original work published 2008)
Manduchi, R. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Ivanchenko, V. . (2008). Search strategies of visually impaired persons using a camera phone wayfinding system. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 1135–1140). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.