Eye, Robot: Calibration Challenges and Potential Solutions for Wearable Eye Tracking in Individuals with Eccentric Fixation

Conference Paper


Loss of the central retina, including the fovea, can lead to a loss of visual acuity and oculomotor deficits, and thus have profound effects on day-to-day tasks. Recent advances in head-mounted, 3D eye tracking have allowed researchers to extend studies in this population to a broader set of daily tasks and more naturalistic behaviors and settings. However, decreases in fixational stability, multiple fixational loci and their uncertain role as oculomotor references, as well as eccentric fixation all provide additional challenges for calibration and collection of eye movement data. Here we

Conference Name

ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications

Conference Location

New York, NY, USA

Year of Publication


Date Published



Association for Computing Machinery