To present two pediatric cases where multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) was able to establish an earlier diagnosis compared to full field electroretinogram (ERG) Case 1: an 11-year-old boy with reduced visual acuity, pale discs, macular pigmentation with white dots bilaterally. Case 2: a 12-year-old girl with reduced vision in her right eye, slight pallor of the right optic disc, intense pigmentation at both maculae and scattered punctate lesions throughout the peripheral fundi. Both had been investigated with electrodiagnostic tests according to the International Society of Clinical Electrophysiology for Vision protocol. Full-field ERGs for both children showed normal responses. Case 1: mfERG revealed a severe reduction in function in the inner 20. Case 2: mfERG showed attenuated responses in each eye. Clinical examination and mfERG were consistent with Stargardt disease. mfERG is applicable to children and is a sensitive tool for early diagnosis of retinal dystrophies.
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