Brain trauma impacts retinal processing: photoreceptor pathway interactions in traumatic light sensitivity

Journal Article


Concussion-induced light sensitivity, or traumatic photalgia, is a lifelong debilitating problem for upwards of 50% of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) cases, though of unknown etiology. We employed spectral analysis of electroretinographic (ERG) responses to assess retinal changes in mTBI as a function of the degree of photalgia.

The design was a case–control study of the changes in the ERG waveform as a function of level of light sensitivity in individuals who had suffered incidents of mild traumatic brain injury. The mTBI participants were categorized into non-, mild-, and severe-photalgic groups based on their spectral nociophysical settings. Light-adapted ERG responses were recorded from each eye for 200 ms on–off stimulation of three spectral colors (R:red, G:green, and B:blue) and their sum (W:white) at the highest pain-free intensity level for each participant. The requirement of controls for testing hypersensitive individuals at lower light levels was addressed by recording a full light intensity series in the control group.

Both the b-wave and the photopic negative response (PhNR) were significantly reduced in the non-photalgic mTBI group relative to controls. In the photalgic groups, the main b-wave peak shifted to the timing of the rod b-wave, with reduced amplitude at the timing of the cone response.

These results suggest the interpretation that the primary etiology of the painful light sensitivity in mTBI is release of the rod pathway from cone-mediated inhibition at high light levels, causing overactivation of the rod pathway.


Documenta Ophthalmologica



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