The RERC encompasses projects in all of the labs listed on the RERC Center Page. Examples of specific projects include the following:
Infant Vision Assessment (Good Lab)
Assessment of Reading in mTBI and Early ARM (Lott Lab)
Assessment of Speechreading with a Visual Impairment (Simon Lab)
Development of a Hearing Aid for Blind Mobility (Brabyn Lab)
Development of Vocational Instrumentation for Blind Users (Brabyn Lab)
Access to Instruments and Appliances (Coughlan Lab, Miele Lab)
Finding and Reading Print Signs (Coughlan Lab)
Access to Travel Information (Miele Lab, Coughlan Lab, Crandall Lab)
Access to STEM Education for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons (Miele Lab)
Access to Video Information (Miele Lab)