Describeathon 2019 Announced!

Black and white image of Golden Gate Bridge in fog. Text: Be descriptive, be brief, be part of the solution.

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day MAY 16 2019, amateur and professional describers all over the world participated in a day of description. Volunteers describe as many YouTube videos of as many kinds as they can in a single day.


Want to join our next Describe-a-thon?

Join our Community of Practice at Facebook, and follow us at twitter @SKERI_YD as we share audio description best practices, YouDescribe tricks and tips for recording the best quality descriptions, and tweets about Accessibility and Univeresal Design for Learning all year long!

Want to make your own audio descriptions? Volunteer describers used YouDescribe – Smith-Kettlewell's free, web-based tool for recording and playing audio description for any YouTube video.

Want to critique audio descriptions? Viewers can rate videos 1-5 stars at the desktop app YouDescribe or our NEW iOS app currently in beta testing; Download it onto your apple devices here.

Be descriptive, be brief, be part of the GLOBAL audio description revolution.