A recent publication from the Eye-Head Movement lab was spotlighted by the Psychonomic Society as Featured Content. In the original publication, the Authors designed and built an oculomotor simulator that would help test and improve mobile eye tracking in individuals with oculomotor deficits, such as those due to macular degeneration. The Researchers made their design freely available to others, should those in the research community want to build a similar device or make further developments for the existing one to include additional experimental requirements. The work was done by Anca Velisar, Al Lotze, Natela Shanidze, and Kassia Love - a SKERI Intern who initially joined the lab through the APSA VSRP summer internship program but ended up continuing in the lab and even winning funding for the Eye Robot project.
To read the feature on the Psychonomic Socety website, click here.