Zoom Brown Bag: Mentorship

Zoom Brown Bag: Mentorship

Event Date

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 – 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Senior Scientist Preeti Verghese and Postdoctoral Fellow Jason Rubinstein


Dear Fellow Scientists, Jason and I will lead the Ethics Seminar on Mentorship on Wednesday.  As you know,  attendance at the Ethics Seminar series is mandatory for all postdocs as well as for current and prospective mentors that. Active participation is also strongly encouraged, so please take a look at the attached reading material and come prepared for a lively discussion.
The reading materials for this discussion are attached. As part of the SKERI postdoctoral fellowship program and as recipients of the NEI Institutional postdoctoral grant, we are required to have quarterly Ethics seminars. NEI requires all potential mentors and all postdocs to take active part in these seminars.

Please note this is a 90-minute meeting.

 Improving Zoom accessibility for people with hearing impairments People with hearing impairments often use lipreading and speechreading to improve speech comprehension. This approach is helpful but only works if the speaker’s face and mouth are clearly visible. For the benefit of people with hearing impairments on Zoom calls, please enable your device’s camera whenever you are speaking on Zoom, and face the camera while you speak. (Feel free to disable your camera when you aren’t speaking.) 

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