The goal of this conference is to identify needs for future research in rehabilitation technology, methods for the blind and visually impaired population, and those with dual sensory loss.
Schedule of Events
8:30-9 Tech and live caption setup (Please arrive before 9 am Pacific time, to get virtually settled into your seat)
9-9:15 Welcome and overview of the conference
9:15 Community Living
- Independent Travel. Panelists: Joshua Miele (lead), Nick Giudice, Robert Wall Emerson
- Household Accessibility. Panelists: Erin Lauridsen (lead), Janet Pomerantz, Debbie Worstman, Sarah Farmer
- Recreation and Entertainment. Panelists: Scott Blanks (lead), Jesse Anderson, Michael Arnowitt, Sile O’Modhrain
- Challenges During COVID. Panelists: Nick Giudice (lead), Brandon Biggs
10:35-10:45 Break
10:45 Lifespan and Multiple Disabilities
- Infant/Early Childhood. Panelists: Arvind Chandna (lead), Pam Chapin, Premjith Balakrishnan, William Good, Amanda Lueck
- Elder Problems and Transitions. Panelists: Janet Pomerantz and Debbie Worstman (co-leads), Donald Fletcher, Tiffany Chan, William Seiple
- Combined Vision and Hearing Impairments. Panelists: Harry Levitt (lead), Nai Damato, Taylor Smith, Helen Simon, Stephanie Garrett
12:00 Lunch Break
12:35 Employment
- Maker Movement and Manufacturing. Panelists: Bernie Vinther (lead), Elmer Schuett, Joshua Miele, Dan Parker
- Participation in High Tech. Panelists: Brandon Biggs (lead), Bryan Garaventa, Danna Gurari, Vinod Namboodiri
- Problems faced by Blind and Visually Impaired Researchers. Panelists: Gordon Legge (lead), Sile O’Modhrain, Brandon Biggs
1:45-1:55 Break
1:55 Education and Training
- Remote Learning. Panelists: Ting Siu (lead), Mina Sun, Jessica McDowell, Neal McKenzie, Sonja Biggs
- STEM and Technical Training. Panelists: Sile O’Modhrain (lead), Joshua Miele, Bryson Goolsby, Hyun Woo Kim, Steve Landau, Chancey Fleet, Alexa Siu, Charity Pitcher-Cooper
1:55 (Parallel Session, hosted by Santani Teng) From Principles to Interventions and Back: What can Rehabilitation and Basic Science Learn From Each Other?
Core Panelists: Ione Fine, Marina Bedny, Daniel Kish, Mike May
Discussant Panelists: Santani Teng, Lora Likova, Lindsay Yazzolino
- Promise and Limitations of Neuroplasticity for Rehabilitation
- Comparing and Combining Intervention Techniques
- Lessons for Accessible Design
3:00-3:10 Break
3:10 Parallel Session Reports
3:15 Other Topics
3:30 Wrap up and Adjourn
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