Projects at the Hearing Impairment RERC

Photo of Christian Vogler

Event Date

Friday, November 22nd, 2019 – 11:00am to 12:00pm


Christian Vogler, Ph.D. Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, Director, Technology Access Program, Prof., Dept. of Communication Studies He leads & co-leads multiple research grants that focus on assistive technology for the deaf & hard of hearing


John Brabyn


Projects at the Hearing Impairment RERC and current projects generally

  • Usability of Alexa and similar voice assistants to people who do not speak clearly or prefer to sign
  • The genesis of Google Live Transcribe and its transition to a public release is an example of successful wholistic design
  • Closed caption quality research, importance of punctuation in closed captions, new work on caption reading speeds
  • Consumer-focused train-the-trainer technology training framework (which was just concluded in the previous RERC, and released for publication)
  • Impact of audio quality parameters on receptive listening (the recent ASSETS publication plus some stuff that is not yet published, including some conversational study results and practices)
  • Impact of AV sync and AV frame rates on receptive listening
  • Smart home alerting for deaf/hh using off-the-shelf IoT technology


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