Federal Changes to Grant Regulations and the Impact on SKERI

Event Date

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Bebe St John and Sony Devis



Grants and contracts awarded by the federal government to SKERI are subject to federal government administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements. In the past, there were three Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars that provided this guidance: A-110 (administrative requirements), A-122 (cost principles), and A-133 (audit requirements).

OMB has issued new guidelines for federal grants management through one “super” circular entitled, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.” This “Uniform Guidance” has been designed to reduce the administrative burden on recipients of federal funds as well as the risk of waste, fraud, and abuse.

Some of the new federal regulations will make grant management noticeably more flexible and efficient for SKERI Principal Investigators and support staff. Other changes in sponsor requirements based on the Uniform Guidance will require adjustments in our business processes. There also will be situations in which no change will be needed in the way SKERI currently manages grants and contracts.

This Brown Bag is mandatory for Principal Investigators, Fellows, and Administration.

Event Type