Chuan Hou will be presenting the following paper: Richards et al "Impaired Spatial Hearing in Amblyopia: Evidence for Calibration of Auditory Maps by Retinocollicular Input in Humans."
Abstract: A short reaction time is necessary for survival in a rapidly changing environment, and anticipatory actions are often initiated before the occurrence of an expected event. In the oculomotor…
Abstract: Traditionally, it was thought that the saccade and pursuit oculomotor systems were separate, with distinct functions. In the mid-2000s, new physiological data demonstrated that the superior…
Abstract: This is the second of a series of Brown Bag sessions about using the SKERI Website to communicate our science and mission to the outside world. This session will focus on entering your…
Dr. Manfred MacKeben will give a lecture that will aid your knowledge on vision, give you insights on the new treatments, and then widen your views on the technological advances now and in the near…
Christopher Tyler will be presenting a paper from Will Tuten at Penn titled " Spatial summation in the human fovea: Do normal optical aberrations and fixational eye movements have an effect?"
Abstract: Accessing scientific content within digital documents is often challenging for people with visual impairments. Text information can be easily accessed by the means of assistive tools such as…