Yavin Alwis

García-Lázaro, H. G., Alwis, Y., & Teng, S. (2021). Neural representations of temporal and spectral regularities of reverberant environments. Chicago/ Virtual: 50th Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. (Original work published 2021)
García-Lázaro, H. G., Wong-Kee-You, A. M. B., Alwis, Y., & Teng, S. (2021). Making remote studies accessible during COVID: A SKERI case study on web-based psychophysical research with blind participants. Virtual: Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Meeting. (Original work published 2021)
García-Lázaro, H. G., Wong-Kee-You, A. M. B., Alwis, Y., & Teng, S. (2021). Visual experience modulates sensitivity to statistics of reverberation. Virtual: Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. (Original work published 2021)
García-Lázaro, H. G., Alwis, Y., & Teng, S. (2021). Neural encoding of temporal and spectral statistical regularities of reverberant environments. Virtual: Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting. (Original work published 2021)
Wong-Kee-You, A. M. B., Alwis, Y., & Teng, S. (2021). Hearing real spaces: The development of sensitivity to reverberation statistics in children. Virtual: Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. (Original work published 2021)