Suzanne McKee

Verghese, P., Watamaniuk, S. N. J., McKee, S. P., & Grzywacz, N. M. (1999). Local motion detectors cannot account for the detectability of an extended trajectory in noise. Vision Research, 39, 19-30.
Vreven, D., McKee, S. P., & Verghese, P. (2002). Contour completion through depth interferes with stereoacuity. Vision Research, 42, 2153-162.
Verghese, P., & McKee, S. P. (2002). Predicting future motion. Journal Of Vision, 2, 413-23.
Verghese, P., & McKee, S. P. (2004). Visual search in clutter. Vision Research, 44, 1217-25.
Verghese, P., & McKee, S. P. (2006). Motion grouping impairs speed discrimination. Vision Research, 46, 1540-6.
Verghese, P., McKee, S. P., & Grzywacz, N. M. (2000). Stimulus configuration determines the detectability of motion signals in noise. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America. A, Optics, Image Science, And Vision, 17, 1525-34.
McKee, S. P., & Verghese, P. (2002). Stereo transparency and the disparity gradient limit. Vision Research, 42, 1963-77.
McKee, S. P., Verghese, P., & Farell, B. (2004). What is the depth of a sinusoidal grating?. Journal Of Vision, 4, 524-38.
McKee, S. P., Verghese, P., & Farell, B. (2005). Stereo sensitivity depends on stereo matching. Journal Of Vision, 5, 783-92.
McKee, S. P., Verghese, P., Ma-Wyatt, A., & Petrov, Y. (2007). The wallpaper illusion explained. Journal Of Vision, 7, 10 1-11.