William Good

Paradis, H., Liu, C. -Y., Saika, S., Azhar, M., Doetschman, T., Good, W. V., et al. (2002). Tubedown-1 in remodeling of the developing vitreal vasculature in vivo and regulation of capillary outgrowth in vitro. Developmental Biology, 249(1), 140-55. 10.1006/dbio.2002.0757 (Original work published 2002)
Gendron, R., Good, W. V., Adams, L., & Paradis, H. (2001). Suppressed expression of tubedown-1 in retinal neovascularization of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 42(12), 3000-7. Retrieved de https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2123118 (Original work published 2001)
Good, W. V. (2001). Development of a quantitative method to measure vision in children with chronic cortical visual impairment. Transactions Of The American Ophthalmological Society, 99, 253-69. Retrieved de https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1359017/ (Original work published 2001)
Cavallo, A., Good, W. V., Ris, M. D., & Succop, P. (2002). Dose response to melatonin treatment for disordered sleep rhythm in a blind child. Sleep Medicine, 3(2), 159-61. 10.1016/s1389-9457(01)00159-9 (Original work published 2002)
Good, W. V., & Gendron, R. (2001). Gene therapy for retinopathy of prematurity: the eye is a window to the future. The British Journal Of Ophthalmology, 85(8), 891-2. 10.1136/bjo.85.8.891 (Original work published 2001)
Saks, N. D., Good, W. V., Carden, S. M., & Golabi, M. (1998). Peter's anomaly in a child with Kabuki make-up syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. Hong Kong Journal Of Ophthalmology, 2(1). Retrieved de https://hkjo.hk/index.php/hkjo/article/view/162 (Original work published 1998)
Good, W. V., Jan, J. E., Burden, S. K., Skoczenski, A., & Candy, R. (2001). Recent advances in cortical visual impairment. Developmental Medicine And Child Neurology, 43(1), 56-60. 10.1017/s0012162201000093 (Original work published 2001)
Good, W. V. (2001). Cataract surgery in young children. The British Journal Of Ophthalmology, 85(3). 10.1136/bjo.85.3.254 (Original work published 2001)
Rao, S. K., Leung, A. T. S., Kwok, S. K., & Good, W. V. (2000). Traumatic cataract in a child. Hong Kong Journal Of Ophthalmology, 4(1). (Original work published 2000)
Dempsey, D. A., Hajnal, B. L., Good, W. V., Partridge, J. C., Jacobson, S. N., Jones, R., & Ferriero, D. (2000). Tone abnormalities are associated with maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy in in utero cocaine-exposed infants. Pediatrics, 106(1 Pt 1), 79-85. 10.1542/peds.106.1.79 (Original work published 2000)