Kristyo Mineff

Likova, L. T., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2020). Rapid training of supramodal spatial cognition and memory for improved navigation in low vision and blindness. Arvo Issue Abstract 2020, Vol. 61. ARVO 2020. Retrieved de (Original work published 2020)
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Mineff, K. N., Cacciamani, L., & Nicholas, S. C. (2016). High-order multisensory mechanisms: Insights from Braille writing and reading. Retrieved de IS&T Int Symp Electron Imaging
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Mineff, K. N., Cacciamani, L., & Nicholas, S. C. (2016). Dissociable brain networks revealed to single-repetition learning in Braille reading and Braille writing-fromm. Retrieved de ECVP 2016 Perception 45, 164-165
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2016). Fundamental anti-symmetries in the brain organization of conceptual knowledge representation help resolve long-standing controversies. Journal Of Vision., (16(12). (Original work published Aug 31 2016)
Likova, L. T., Mei, M., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2019). Learning face perception without vision: Rebound learning effect and hemispheric differences in blind and sighted. Retrieved de ECVP, Leuven
Likova, L. T., Mei, M., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2019). Is the face schema innate? Evidence from learning faces in the congenital blind. Retrieved de SfN
Likova, L. T., Mei, M., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2019). Learning face perception without vision: Rebound learning effect and hemispheric differences in congenital vs late-onset blindness. Imaging Science And Technology: Human Vision And Electronic Imaging. 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2019.12.HVEI-237 Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2019
Likova, L. T., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2016). Brain reorganization and performance correlates of a rapid switch in handedness induced by drawing training in a left-handed blind individual. Retrieved de SfN, San Diego, Ca, USA
Likova, L. T., Cacciamani, L., Nicholas, S. C., & Mineff, K. N. (2017). Top-down working memory reorganization of the primary visual cortex: Granger Causality analysis. Retrieved de Jurnal of Vision
Likova, L. T., Cacciamani, L., Nicholas, S. C., & Mineff, K. N. (2017). Top-down working memory reorganization of the primary visual cortex: Granger Causality analysis. 10.1167/17.10.594