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Lora Likova
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Cacciamani, L. ., & Likova, L. T. (2016). The role of the perirhinal cortex in tactile perception and memory in the blind. Journal of Vision, 16(12).
Likova, L. T. (2015). Cross-modal insights into the controversies of conceptual knowledge representation and temporal pole asymmetry. Retrieved from Perception (Supp). 44, 310.
Likova, L. T. (2015). Can brain changes from art training reveal commonalities between the mechanisms of drawing and of music?. Retrieved from Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Francisco Ca, USA.
Likova, L. T. (2015). How is conceptual knowledge represented in the temporal pole? A cross-modal perspective and familiarity effects. Retrieved from SfN. Chicago, USA.
Karim, R. ., & Likova, L. T. (2015). Tactile aesthetics in the blind and the sighted. Retrieved from Annual Envision Conference on Low Vision Rehabilitation & Research. Denver, Co.
Likova, L. T. (2018). Cognitive-Kinesthetic Method: Hands-on demonstration with trainers and educators for the blind. Retrieved from Satellite Symposium, Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Reno. July, 2018.
Likova, L. T. (2018). Memory drawing and learning in the class room. Retrieved from Southern China Normal University, Guangzhou
Likova, L. T. (2016). Key results from the reported research and their impact for the blind and low vision community. Retrieved from National State of the Science of Blindness Rehabilitation, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, 2016