Laura Cacciamani

Cacciamani, L. ., & Likova, L. T. (2016). The role of the perirhinal cortex in tactile perception and memory in the blind. Journal of Vision, 16(12).
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Mineff, K. N., Cacciamani, L. ., & Nicholas, S. . (2016). High-order multisensory mechanisms: Insights from Braille writing and reading. Retrieved from IS&T Int Symp Electron Imaging
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Mineff, K. N., Cacciamani, L. ., & Nicholas, S. . (2016). Dissociable brain networks revealed to single-repetition learning in Braille reading and Braille writing-fromm. Retrieved from ECVP 2016 Perception 45, 164-165
Likova, L. T., Cacciamani, L. ., Nicholas, S. ., & Mineff, K. N. (2017). Top-down working memory reorganization of the primary visual cortex: Granger Causality analysis. Retrieved from Jurnal of Vision
Cacciamani, L. ., & Likova, L. T. (2016). Memory-guided drawing training increases Granger causal influences from the perirhinal cortex to V1 in the blind. Retrieved from SfN. San Diego Ca, USA
Likova, L. T., Cacciamani, L. ., Nicholas, S. ., & Mineff, K. N. (2017). Top-down working memory reorganization of the primary visual cortex: Granger Causality analysis. 10.1167/17.10.594
Likova, L. T., & Cacciamani, L. . (2018). Transfer of Learning in People Who Are Blind: Enhancement of Spatial-Cognitive Abilities through Drawing. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 4(112). Retrieved from
Cacciamani, L. ., & Likova, L. T. (2017). Memory-guided drawing training increases Granger causal influences from the perirhinal cortex to V1 in the blind. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 141. 10.1016/j.nlm.2017.03.013 PMID: 28347878 PMCID: PMC 5488874 (Original work published 2017)
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Cacciamani, L. ., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. . (2016). The Cortical Network for Braille Writing in the Blind. Electronic Imaging, 2016, 1–6. 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.16.HVEI-095 PMID: 28890944 PMCID: PMC5589194 (Original work published 2016)
Likova, L. T., Tyler, C. W., Mineff, K. N., Cacciamani, L. ., & Nicholas, S. . (2016). Fundamental anti-symmetries in the brain organization of conceptual knowledge representation help resolve long-standing controversies. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.