Giovanni Fusco

Fusco, G., Tekin, E., & Coughlan, J. (2016). An Appliance Display Reader for People with Visual Impairments.
Shanidze, N. M., Fusco, G., Potapchuk, E., Heinen, S. J., & Verghese, P. (2016). Smooth pursuit eye movements in patients with macular degeneration. Journal Of Vision, 16, 1. (Original work published 2016)
Fusco, G., & Morash, V. S. (2015). The Tactile Graphics Helper: Providing Audio Clarification for Tactile Graphics Using Machine Vision. ASSETS. Presented at the ASSETS. (Original work published 2015)
Fusco, G., Tekin, E., Giudice, N. A., & Coughlan, J. (2015). Appliance Displays: Accessibility Challenges and Proposed Solutions. 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Presented at the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Lisbon, Portugal: ACM. (Original work published 2015)
Anzalone, A., Fusco, G., Isgrò, F., Orlandi, E., Prevete, R., Sciortino, G., et al. (2013). A system for the automatic measurement of the nuchal translucency thickness from ultrasound video stream of the foetus. Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 2013 IEEE 26th International Symposium on, 239–244. IEEE.
Fusco, G., Noceti, N., & Odone, F. (2012). Combining retrieval and classification for real-time face recognition. Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on, 276–281. IEEE.
Fusco, G., Zini, L., Noceti, N., & Odone, F. (2013). Structured multi-class feature selection for effective face recognition. Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2013, 410–419. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (Original work published 2013)
Balduzzi, L., Fusco, G., Odone, F., Dini, S., Mesiti, M., Destrero, A., & Lovato, A. (2010). Low-cost face biometry for visually impaired users. Biometric Measurements and Systems for Security and Medical Applications (BIOMS), 2010 IEEE Workshop on, 45–52. IEEE.
Zini, L., Noceti, N., Fusco, G., & Odone, F. (2014). Structured multi-class feature selection with an application to face recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters.
Fusco, G., Shen, H., & Coughlan, J. (2014). Self-Localization at Street Intersections. Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2014 Canadian Conference on, 40–47. IEEE.