Christopher Tyler

Tyler, C. W. (2020). The Intersection of Visual Science and Art in Renaissance Italy. Perception, 49, 1265–1282.
Bruno, N., Bertamini, M., & Tyler, C. W. (2019). Eye centring in selfies posted on Instagram. Plos One, 14, e0218663.
Tyler, C. W. (2019). Evidence that Leonardo da Vinci had strabismus. Jama Ophthalmology, 137, 82–86.
Tyler, C. W., & Solomon, J. A. (2019). Color perception in natural images. Current Opinion In Behavioral Sciences, 30, 8–14.
Tyler, C. W., & Solomon, J. A. (2018). Does colour filling-in account for colour perception in natural images?. I-Perception, 9, 2041669518768829.
Tyler, C. W. (2021). A Live Experience of Four-Dimensional Structure. Perception, 50, 165–169. (Original work published 2021)
Chen, P. -Y., Chen, C. -C., & Tyler, C. W. (2021). A gain-control disparity energy model for perceived depth from disparity. Vision Research, 181, 38–46.
Likova, L. T., & Tyler, C. W. (2021). Multipurpose spatiomotor capture system for haptic and visual training and testing in the blind and the sighted. IS&T Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Proceedings. Presented at the IS&T Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Proceedings. (Original work published 2021)
Tyler, C. W. (1981). Specific deficits of flicker sensitivity in glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 20(2), 204-212. (Original work published 1981)
Tyler, C. W. For full list see (Original work published 2020)