Joshua Miele

Packer, J. ., Vizenor, K. ., & Miele, J. . (2015). An Overview of Video Description: History, Benefits, and Guidelines. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 109(2). 10.1177/0145482X1510900 (Original work published 2015)
Marston, J. ., Cao, G. ., Brabyn, J. ., & Miele, J. . (2010). Accessible Geographical Information for People with Low Vision. Proceedings of the CSUN 25th International Conference, San Diego, CA. Presented at the Proceedings of the CSUN 25th International Conference, San Diego, CA. (Original work published 2010)
Abrahamson, D. ., Flood, V. J., Miele, J. ., & Siu, Y.-T. . (2018). Enactivism and ethnomethodological conversation analysis as tools for expanding Universal Design for Learning: the case of visually impaired mathematics students . ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education . (Original work published 2018)
Miele, J. ., & Hafter, E. R. (2002). Trajectory perception in the free field . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111, 2356–2356.
Miele, J. . (2003). Human auditory perception of trajectories of motion in a simulated open-field environment.
Miele, J. . (2003). Smith-Kettlewell display tools: a sonification toolkit for Matlab. Presented at the. Georgia Institute of Technology.
Seelman, K. D., Palmer, C. . , V, Ortmann, A. ., Mormer, E. ., Miele, J. ., Brabyn, J. ., & . (2008). Quality-of-life technology for vision and hearing loss [Highlights of Recent Developments and Current Challenges in Technology]. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 27.
Morash, V. S., Pensky, A. E. C., & Miele, J. . (2013). Effects of using multiple hands and fingers on haptic performance. Perception, 42, 759–777. (Original work published 2013)
Morash, V. S., Pensky, A. E. C., Tseng, S. T., & Miele, J. . (2014). Effects of using multiple hands and fingers on haptic performance in individuals who are blind. Perception, 43, 569–588. (Original work published 2014)
Morash, V. S., Siu, Y.-T. ., Miele, J. ., Hasty, L. ., & Landau, S. . (2015). Guiding novice web workers in making image descriptions using templates. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS), 7, 12. (Original work published 2015)