Preeti Verghese

Palmer, J., Verghese, P., & Pavel, M. (2000). The psychophysics of visual search. Vision Research, 40, 1227-68.
Verghese, P., & Pelli, D. G. (1992). The information capacity of visual attention. Vision Research, 32, 983-95.
Walker, L., Coughlan, J., Verghese, P., & Malik, J. (2005). An information maximization model of eye movements. Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems, 17, 1121-8.
Walker, L., & Verghese, P. (2007). Orientation discrimination in the periphery depends on the context. Journal Of Vision, 7, 585–585.
Walker, L., Dang, L., Verghese, P., & Fletcher, D. C. (2008). Effect of central scotoma on eye movement behavior. Journal Of Vision, 8, 641–641.
Walker, L., Verghese, P., & Fletcher, D. C. (2007). Efficienct Eye Movements for Low Vision Rehabilitation. Journal Of Vision, 7, 98–98.