60th Anniversary Fund for Young Researchers

SKERI 60th Anniversary LogoYoung scientists who are just starting in their careers are the lifeblood of Smith-Kettlewell. The recruitment of graduate, post-doctoral, and other young researchers is our main source of new blood to ensure constant rejuvenation and future success. 

Most of our senior scientists started their SKERI careers as post-graduate students, fellows, and trainees. SKERI offers a uniquely high-quality mentorship experience for young recruits since, unlike the typical university setting, our scientists are all full-time researchers. They are thus able to devote far more time to mentoring. This in turn produces higher quality scientists, completing the cycle.  

This Young Researcher Fund is designed to provide stipend and salary support for students and early-career mentored recruits working towards qualifying for full support on federal and other outside research grants. 

Examples Include:

  • Post-graduate and post-doctoral student trainees and fellows in multiple scientific and clinical disciplines relevant to SKERI’s vision research mission. 
  • Post-doctoral researchers who have completed a fellowship training period and are being mentored in the development of their own programs of research to become independent investigators with outside grant funding
  • Early-stage investigators who have shown independent initiative in coming up with promising new approaches and projects, but need additional support to gather pilot data and qualify for conventional grant funding sources. 

Get Involved

Your support can make a significant difference in helping to support the recruitment and retention of the vital young blood and youthful ideas and energy that is so important to successfully addressing our translational vision and blindness research mission. Here are ways you can get involved:

  • Donate: Contributions to the Young Researcher Fund directly support young mentored trainees and scientists whose intellectual energy and enthusiasm are so necessary in fueling future innovation.  
  • Referrals and Contacts: Whether or not you can donate personally, if you have friends or contacts who may be interested in SKERI’s work and potentially able to help support it, please call or email us. 
  • Spread the Word: Help raise awareness about the fund and its impact by sharing our mission with your network.

Contact Us

For more information about the Young Researcher Fund, or to discuss potential partnerships, please contact us at:

Phone: +1 (415) 345-2047

Address: 2318 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115

The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute is proud to administer the 60th Anniversary Fund for Young Researchers, helping find and retain talented young scientists dedicated to vision research. Get involved by donating to support our young researchers in their pursuit of improving the quality of life in the low-vision and blind community.  

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