Mitchell Scheiman

Bade, A., Boas, M., Gallaway, M., Mitchell, L., Scheiman, M., Kulp, M., et al. (2013). Relationship between clinical signs and symptoms of convergence insufficiency. Optometry And Vision Science , 90(9), 988-95. 10.1097/OPX.0000000000000012 (Original work published 2013)
Barnhardt, C., Cotter, S., Mitchell, L., Scheiman, M., Kulp, M., Trial Study Group, C. I. T., & Good, W. V. (2012). Symptoms in children with convergence insufficiency: before and after treatment. Optometry And Vision Science , 89(10), 1512-20. 10.1097/opx.0b013e318269c8f9 (Original work published 2012)
Scheiman, M., Kulp, M., Cotter, S., Mitchell, L., Gallaway, M., Boas, M., et al. (2010). Vision therapy/orthoptics for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children: treatment kinetics. Optometry And Vision Science , 87(8), 593-603. 10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181e61bad (Original work published 2010)
Rouse, M., Borsting, E., Mitchell, L., Cotter, S., Kulp, M., Scheiman, M., et al. (2009). Validity of the convergence insufficiency symptom survey: a confirmatory study. Optometry And Vision Science , 86(4), 357-63. 10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181989252 (Original work published 2009)