Anthony Norcia

Hou, C. ., Norcia, A. M., Madan, A. ., & Good, W. V. (2014). Visuocortical function in infants with a history of neonatal jaundice. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55(10), 6443-9. 10.1167/iovs.14-14261 (Original work published 2014)
Madan, A. ., Norcia, A. M., Hou, C. ., Pettet, M. ., & Good, W. V. (2012). Effect of Grade I and II intraventricular hemorrhage on visuocortical function in very low birth weight infants. Seeing and Perceiving, 25(2), 143-54. 10.1163/187847612X626381 (Original work published 2012)
Mirabella, G. ., Kjaer, P. ., Norcia, A. M., Good, W. V., & Madan, A. . (2006). Visual development in very low birth weight infants. Pediatric Research, 60(4), 435-9. 10.1203/01.pdr.0000238249.44088.2c (Original work published 2006)
Good, W. V., Wong, R. J., Norcia, A. M., Stevenson, D. K., Slagel, T. ., Hou, C. ., & Bhutani, V. K. (2022). Bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity and visuocortical dysfunction. Journal of Perinatology, 43, 240-241. 10.1038/s41372-022-01417-2 (Original work published 2022)
Norcia, A. M., & Tyler, C. W. (1985). Spatial frequency sweep VEP: Visual acuity during the first year of life. Retrieved from (Original work published 1985)
Hou, C. ., Good, W. V., & Norcia, A. M. (2018). Detection of Amblyopia Using Sweep VEP Vernier and Grating Acuity. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 59(1;59(3), 1435–1442. 10.1167/iovs.17-23021 (Original work published 2018)
Chen, S. I., Chandna, A. ., Norcia, A. M., Pettet, M. ., & Stone, D. . (2006). The repeatability of best corrected acuity in normal and amblyopic children 4 to 12 years of age. Invest Ophthalmol Vis SciInvest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 47, 614-9. (Original work published 2006)
Chen, S. I., Norcia, A. M., Pettet, M. ., & Chandna, A. . (2005). Measurement of position acuity in strabismus and amblyopia: specificity of the vernier VEP paradigm. Invest Ophthalmol Vis SciInvest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 46, 4563-70. (Original work published 2005)
Kovacs, I. ., Polat, U. ., Pennefather, P. ., Chandna, A. ., & Norcia, A. M. (2000). A new test of contour integration deficits in patients with a history of disrupted binocular experience during visual development. Vision ResVision Res, 40, 1775-1783.
Pennefather, P. ., Chandna, A. ., Kovacs, I. ., Polat, U. ., & Norcia, A. M. (1999). Contour detection threshold: repeatability and learning with ‘contour cards’. Spatial VisionSpatial Vision, 12, 257-266.