Sergio Mascetti

Mascetti, S., Gerino, A., Bernareggi, C., D’Acquisto, S., Ducci, M., & Coughlan, J. (2017). JustPoint: Identifying Colors with a Natural User Interface. 19th Int’l ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2017). Presented at the. Baltimore, MD: ACM. (Original work published 2017)
Ahmetovic, D., Manduchi, R., Coughlan, J., & Mascetti, S. (2017). Mind your crossings: Mining GIS imagery for crosswalk localization. Acm Transactions On Accessible Computing (Taccess), 9(4). 10.1145/3046790
Ahmetovic, D., Manduchi, R., Coughlan, J., & Mascetti, S. (2015). Zebra Crossing Spotter: Automatic Population of Spatial Databases for Increased Safety of Blind Travelers. ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2015). Presented at the.