Arthur Jampolsky Memorial Fund for Research in Vision and its Rehabilitation


Portrait of Arthur JampolskyThe Arthur Jampolsky Memorial Fund is dedicated to fostering innovative vision and rehabilitation research in the spirit of our Founder

In founding Smith-Kettlewell, Art was passionate about the need for Independence to pursue the best research ideas. This independent approach, free from the bureaucratic constraints of large universities and medical schools, depends on the provision of private seed funds to get projects off the ground and generate enough proof of concept or pilot data to enable them to qualify for competitive government grant funding. 

Art was intensely interested in vision problems affecting infants and children (especially involving binocular vision), and in problems of visual impairment and blindness at all ages. He personally made numerous contributions to helping people with such problems, from diagnostics through surgical techniques and visual aids He was also responsible for raising awareness and coverage of such problems in many professional organizations. This fund is therefore devoted to seed funding for research to provide practical interventions and solutions that improve the lives of children and adults affected by problems. 

Examples Include:

  • Projects aimed at better understanding childhood vision problems, especially strabismus (crossed eyes) and other binocular vision deficits
  • Projects to improve early detection, screening, or diagnosis of vision-threatening conditions
  • Projects to develop new treatment methodologies and techniques
  • Projects to develop technology or methods to help people who are blind or have low vision cope with everyday tasks and activities
  • Innovate in the development of assistive technologies.

Get Involved

Your support can make a significant difference in helping get new projects started to meet these vital needs. Your donation is in effect multiplied many times by enabling projects such as these advanced enough to qualify for federal research grants to carry them to full fruition and practical success. Here are ways you can get involved:

  • Donate: Contributions to the Arthur Jampolsky Memorial Fund for Research in Vision and its Rehabilitation Bill Gerrey Blind Makers Fund directly support innovative projects and initiatives.
  • Referrals and Contacts: Whether or not you can donate personally, if you have friends or contacts who may be interested in SKERI’s work and potentially able to help support it, please call or email us. 
  • Spread the Word: Help raise awareness about our work and its impact by sharing our mission with your network.

Contact Us

For more information about the Arthur Jampolsky Memorial Fund, or to discuss potential partnerships, please contact us at:
Phone: +1 (415) 345-2047
Address: 2318 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115

The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute is proud to administer the Arthur Jampolsky Memorial Fund, facilitating the kind of research opportunities that Art was so single-minded in pursuing, and that will make a difference in the lives of those with visual impairments or blindness. Join us in honoring Art Jampolsky’s legacy by making a donation to support our researchers in initiating new and imaginative research, and pursuing innovation and excellence. 

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